Socio-economic factors inuencing sh Farmers' Level of awareness of Organic Farming Practices in South -South, Nigeria.

  • Atoma C. Nwamaka Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro
  • F. N. Nnadi Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro
  • Amos Oyem Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro
  • Tina Akeni Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro
Keywords: Socioeconomic factors, Fish farmers, Organic Farming Practices, Nigeria


The study investigated the socioeconomic factors inuencing the level of awareness of organic farming practices among sh farmers in South-South Nigeria. The specic objectives of the study are to describe the socioeconomic characteristics of sh farmers in the study area, ascertain the level of use of organic sh farming practices and relate socioeconomic factors to the level of use of organic farming practices. Data for the study were obtained with a structured questionnaire. The sample size for the study was One hundred and fteen (115) sh farmers selected purposefully from the list of sh farmers provided by zone managers in the three states under study. The farmers selection were based on accessibility.. Data collected were analysed using multiple regression The ndings of the study revealed that sh farmers were aware of organic sh farming practices in the study area. .Farm size ( t =2.462; P< 0.05, contact with extension agents ( t = 2.282; P <0.05) had signicant relationship with level of awareness of organic sh farming practices), and. As farm size increases, the level of awareness of organic farming practices increases whereas increased extension contact culminated in increasing the level of awareness of organic sh farming practices. The study therefore recommends that training on organic sh production practices should be emphasized in extension activities in the
study area.

Author Biographies

Atoma C. Nwamaka, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro

Department of Agricultural Extension and Management

F. N. Nnadi , Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro

Department of Agricultural Extension and Management

Amos Oyem, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro

Department of Agricultural Extension and Management

Tina Akeni, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro

Department of Agricultural Extension and Management
