International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and Development2025-01-25T11:05:19+00:00Prof. Olatunji Olayinka Journal Systems<p>The International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and Development (IJOARD) is an international journal for sustainable organic farming system which provides rapid publication of articles in organic agriculture.</p> OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZER ON PERFORMANCE AND UPTAKE FOR CUCUMBER PRODUCTION (Cucumis sativus L.) IN OGBOMOSO, OYO STATE2025-01-16T14:35:14+00:00Oladunni Adeleke Mary Owoadeno@gmail.comOluyomi Olarinre<p><span class="fontstyle0">A field experiment was conducted on the Teaching and Research Farm at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study investigated the impact of various fertilizer types and cucumber varieties on growth, yield, and nutrient uptake in cucumber production in Ogbomoso, Oyo State.<br>The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five fertilizer treatments (poultry manure, urea, Mack Pure organic, NPK, and control) and three cucumber varieties (Cucumber marketer, Seminis, and Amarisa super F1). Results showed that poultry manure and urea significantly (P <0.05) enhanced growth and yield parameters, with poultry manure increasing leaf count and vine number, while urea improved fruit production and nutrient uptake, especially for nitrogen and phosphorus. The "Cucumber marketer" (V1) variety demonstrated the highest growth performance and nutrient uptake. Although fertilizer and variety independently influenced yield, their interaction was limited in enhancing fruit production. The study suggests that farmers seeking higher cucumber yields and sustainable soil nutrients should consider using poultry manure and urea, combined with high-performing varieties like "Cucumber marketer."</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION OF CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) IN THE SOUTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA ZONE OF NIGERIA2025-01-17T07:42:16+00:00K.O. Alabialabioyebisi@gmail.comA.I. Afe no@gmail.comA.I. Afe J.A.<p><span class="fontstyle0">The problem of selecting the correct land for the cultivation of a certain crop is a long-standing and mainl empirical issue and nowadays, sustainability is one of the important issues in land use system. A Typic Plinthustalfs soil developed on Pre-Cambrian basement complex rocks was evaluated for its suitability for cucumber (</span><span class="fontstyle2">Cucumis sativus </span><span class="fontstyle0">L.) in the southern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Three mapping units that were established along the topo-sequence and three profile pits that were dug in 2017 were used for the experiment. Linear parametric and square root models were used for assessing the suitability of the soils for<br>sustainable cucumber production. Land qualities considered in the study were climate, topography, wetness, soil fertility and soil physical properties. Except for the fertility status of the land, other qualities were not a constraint to the production of cucumber at study site. None of the pedon is highly suitable for production of cucumber by both linear and square root models with index of current productivity (IPc) that ranged between 18.7 and 70. Linear model indicated pedon 2 as currently not suitable with IPc of 18.7. Potentially, the index of potential productivity (IPp) ranged between 25 and 70 which rated pedon 1 and 3 as moderately suitable and pedon 2 as marginally suitable for cucumber production by both linear and the square root model. The limiting factors were mainly low levels of available macro-nutrients (N, P, K, Mg), low organic carbon (<0.54%), and low cation exchange capacity (<5.61cmol/kg) in all three pedons studied. Field trial also confirms the claim as application of both organic and NPK fertilizers significantly affect the yield of cucumber in all the pedons. In conclusion, it is therefore recommended that organic fertilizer should be applied for sustainable cucumber production on soils of the studied site.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal PRACTICE, ADOPTION AND PRODUCTIVITY OF SMALL-SCALE COMMERCIAL AQUACULTURE PRODUCTION IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA2025-01-17T08:08:33+00:00S. S ASHLEY-DEJO ashleydejosamuel@gmail.comS. O. SULE no@gmail.comO. T. OYETUNJIno@gmail.comF. A. DUROJAIYE no@gmail.comT. A. OJETAYO no@gmail.comO. T. AKINSETE<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study investigated the management practice, adoption and productivity of commercial aquaculture in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Abeokuta, Ogun State. One hundred and fifty respondents (150) were selected using multi-stage sampling technique. It was observed that majority were married males, educated and within active economic age with mean household size of 4.83. The mean output per production cycle was 1,236.91±752.41 kg, and the most commonly reared fish species was </span><span class="fontstyle2">Clarias spp</span><span class="fontstyle0">. The most commonly practiced culture system was earthen ponds.Also, the result revealed that easy access to inputs is the most available factor of production, with a mean score of 1.66 ranked first, followed by conducive environment/climatic factors (1.63 ranked Second). Majority (55.3%) of the respondents fell within the medium adopter category, while 25.3% classified as high adopters while 19.3% of fish farms are classified as low adopters. This investigation reveals that education, experience, training, extension services, and participation in cooperative societies are critical factors that promote the adoption of scientific aquaculture management practices in commercial fish farms. The study also indicate that farmer needs competent knowledge, skills and techniques to maximize profit.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal OF CHILDREN'S INVOLVEMENTS IN FARMING ACTIVITIES TO THE HOUSEHOLD WELL-BEING IN SELECTED AGRICULTURAL ZONES IN OYO STATE2025-01-17T08:22:04+00:00F. O. Emmanuelfemfun76@gmail.comO. O. Adebayono@gmail.comR. T.<p><span class="fontstyle0">Agriculture is characterized by high levels of child labor, as noted by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Therefore, this study examined contributions of children's involvements in farming activities to the household well-being in selected Agricultural Zones in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Oyo State. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 128 respondents from cocoa farming households in the study area. The research instrument was validated and tested for reliability. Data were collected based on the set objectives in the research instruments. The tools for data analysis were both descriptive<br>(frequencies, percentages and mean) and inferential statistics ((Pearson Product Moment Correlation PPMC) were used for the study. The findings revealed that majority of respondents were in their middle age, with 43.7% aged over 60 years with 66.4% of respondents being male, 60.2% married with 54.7% of respondents having between 1-5 children involved in cocoa farming and 25.2 years being mean year of experience. More than the average (63.8%) of the respondents were on the high level of involvement in the households' wellbeing of cocoa farmers while around 36.2% of the respondents had a low level of<br>involvement. PPMC revealed a positive and significant relationship was observed between the number of children involved in cocoa farming (r = 0.277, p= 0.002) and years spent in cocoa production (r = 0.208, p = 0.018). Most of the cocoa farmers' children that engaged in farming activities have high contribution to the<br>household well-being. Therefore, cocoa farmers should encourage their children to involve actively and efficiently as part of farm labour force in other to enhance their contribution to the household well-being.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal, PROXIMATE, AND PHYTONUTRIENT PROFILES OF SELECTED BOTANICALS FOR INSECT PEST CONTROL AND THEIR IMPACT ON CUCUMBER (CUCUMIS SATIVUS) FRUITS2025-01-17T08:48:30+00:00Adeola Foluke Abiodun Adebayono@gmail.comAkinyemi Olufemi Ogunkeyedeno@gmail.comOluwatimilehin Abosede<p><span class="fontstyle0">Plant secondary metabolites exhibit diverse biological activities, acting as repellents, feeding deterrents, and fumigants. Cucumber (</span><span class="fontstyle2">Cucumis sativus</span><span class="fontstyle0">), a widely consumed vegetable, faces insect pest infestations, affecting yield and quality. In this study, five plant extracts were applied as foliar sprays on cucumber plants<br>for pest control: rhizomes of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Zingiber officinale</span><span class="fontstyle0">, seeds of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Piper guineense </span><span class="fontstyle0">and </span><span class="fontstyle2">Azadirachta indica</span><span class="fontstyle0">, and leaves of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Lantana camara </span><span class="fontstyle0">and </span><span class="fontstyle2">Tithonia diversifolia</span><span class="fontstyle0">. The quantitative and qualitative contents of phytochemicals present in the plant materials used were analyzed. On the other hand, the proximate and mineral compositions in the harvested fruits were analyzed using standard laboratory methods. Phytochemical analysis revealed alkaloids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, and steroids. Qualitative data revealed the presence of Alkaloids, Saponins, Tannins, Terpenoids, Phenolics, Flavonoids, and Steroids while quantitative data showed the quantity of each constituent in the plant materials used as +++: strongly present; ++: moderately present; +: fairly present; -: Absent. Proximate analysis showed that carbohydrate, moisture, protein, ash, and crude fiber contents varied between treatments with improved nutritional quality of botanically treated crops. Mineral composition, including Fe, Ca, K, and Na, was significantly higher in botanically treated fruits. These results confirm that the bioactive </span><span class="fontstyle0">compounds identified in this study reinforce the pesticidal potential of these plants and their value as sources of natural insecticides botanical treatments enhance nutritional content and safety, aligning with previous studies that suggest such treatments positively impact pest management and crop quality. This suggests that botanicals not only serve as effective pest control agents.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal OF GENDER ROLE IN MAIZE PRODUCTION IN IBARAPA EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF OYO STATE2025-01-17T09:09:53+00:00S. S. Oladiranfoodforthought2000@yahoo.comD. N. Ishie no@gmail.comT. B. Ogunleye no@gmail.comI. O. Ayodejino@gmail.comO. E. Adewole<p><span class="fontstyle0">The study determined the analysis of gender roles in maize production in Ibarapa East Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Primary data obtained using structured questionnaire were collected from a sample of 120 farm families, five wards out often existing wards in the Local government area were selected. Data<br>were sampled through multistage sampling techniques. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean scores and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The study revealed average age 44 years for female farmers and 40 years for the male farmers. Above average female respondents (66.7%) and male (65.0%) farmers were married. Female farmers had average household size of about 7 members while the male counterpart had household size of 6 members. Male farmers had more farming experience 13 years and cultivate more farmland 8acres than the female farmers 5acres.Women carried out most of the maize<br>production activities and undertook general maize processing (92.3%) except for land clearing (70.1%), ridge making (58.7%), earthen in gup (83.7%), and storing of maize (79.2%). The study recommended that female maize farmers' associations should develop a high level of consciousness on policy issues or difference that affect them. Both male and female farmers should be encouraged to for m and join farming organizations or cooperatives. This will enable them serve as pressure group to ensure implementation of some strategies and policies by the government.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS OF DIFFERENT LAND USE TYPE IN OGBOMOSO2025-01-17T15:06:23+00:00M. D. Oparindeoparindeayomiotan@gmail.comG. O Oyediranno@gmail.comO. O. Olatunji no@gmail.comS. A. Akandeno@gmail.comG. B.<p><span class="fontstyle0">The study was conducted at LadokeAkintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. It examined the impact of different land use types (arable land, cashew plantation, woodlot and fallow land), on soil physical and chemical properties. Soil samples were collected randomly at the depth of (0-30 cm) in 3<br>replications, air-dried, gently crushed, and sieved through 2mm sieve and subjected to laboratory analysis. The samples were analyzed for particle size distribution, pH, exchangeable bases, effective cation exchange capacity, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, organic carbon, exchangeable acidity, electrical conductivity and base saturation. The results showed that soil texture is predominantly sandy loam, except for arable land. Total porosity values were high at cashew plantations, fallow land, and woodlots, while arable land had the highest bulk density. Soil reaction was moderately acidic, with high base saturation and organic carbon levels. The EC was slightly saline, and exchangeable minerals were moderate. The study concluded that annual applications of organic and inorganic fertilizers are necessary to maintain soil fertility and enhance productivity. Ultimately, a comprehensive soil survey of the region is warranted to investigate the profile characteristics of the soil, ascertain its specific mineralogical composition, and conduct a land evaluation, aspects which were not encompassed in this study.</span></p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR ACCESSING INFORMATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STRATEGIES AMONG COCOA FARMERS IN ONDO STATE2025-01-17T15:18:31+00:00A. O. J. O.<p><span class="fontstyle0">Social media refers to the internet-based digital tools for sharing and discussing information among people. Information on climate change needs to be assessable to farmers at the lowest cost through video, audio and multimedia outlet. climate change has emerged as one of the most devastating global environmental threats because it is projected to be major of the most important indices to agriculture, health, and water. Therefore, this research examined the utilization of social media for accessing information on climate change adaptation strategies among cocoa farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. The data for this research was collected using structured interview schedule. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 160 respondents (cocoa farmers) from the study area. Descriptive statistics tool such as frequency counts, percentages, weighted mean score and ranking were used to analyze the objectives of the study while Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to analyze the hypothesis. The resultfurther revealed that majority (68.1%) of the respondents indicated targeting raining season for planting, planting of improved cocoa varieties 66.9% as the climate change adaptation strategies information accessed via social media platforms. The result revealed that WhatsApp had the highest weighted mean score of 3.94. The study also found out that high cost of facilities and high cost of operation (cost of subscription) constitute the major constraint to the use of social media platforms. It could be concluded that WhatsApp were frequently used for accessing information on climate change adaptation strategies among the cocoa farmers. Thus, Stakeholders involved in agriculture should strengthen network infrastructure in rural areas to improve connectivity, addressing one of the primary constraints identified by the study and enabling more seamless access to vital information on climate change adaptation strategies.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal OF DIFFERENT GROWING MEDIA ON THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.)2025-01-17T15:33:38+00:00F. M. Owoade no@gmail.comE. T. Owolabi owolabiesther1604@gmail.comM. A. Adelekeno@gmail.comD. T. Ayadino@gmail.comT. S. Adigun<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study investigates the effects of different growing media on the growth and yield of cucumber plants (</span><span class="fontstyle2">Cucumis sativus</span><span class="fontstyle0">), focusing on potential sustainable alternatives to traditional soil. The treatments include soil, coco peat, rice husk, sawdust, and combinations thereof (coco peat with rice husk, coco peat with sawdust, and rice husk with sawdust). A completely randomized design was used to minimize variability and enhance the reliability of results. Key growth parameters such as</span><span class="fontstyle0">: </span><span class="fontstyle0">the number of fruits, number of flowers, and fruit weight were recorded throughout the cucumber growth cycle to assess each medium's impact. The results indicated that the type of growing medium significantly influences the growth performance and productivity of cucumber plants. Among the<br>treatment involved, combinations like coco peat with rice husk yielded favorable outcomes, enhancing both the number and weight of fruits compared to soil alone. The high-water retentioncapacity of coco peat, combined with the aeration provided by rice husk, likely contributed to these improved growth metrics. Conversely, single media such as sawdust showed limited support for optimal growth, underscoring the importance of a balanced medium for nutrient retention and moisture control. This research trial showed the potential of non-soil media for cucumber cultivation, offering practical and sustainable options for growers, particularly in areas where soil quality is poor or where resources are limited. Additionally, it suggests that media combinations can improve yield, benefiting both commercial agriculture and small-scale farms. Based on these findings, recommendations for cucumber cultivation include the use of coco peat and rice husk mixtures to optimize growth and sustainability. Future studies may explore the long-term impacts of these media on soil health, nutrient content, and cost-effectiveness in various agricultural settings.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal AND RETURN ANALYSIS OF YAM FARMERS RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN BENUE STATE2025-01-24T10:17:03+00:00Adebayo Matthew Titi OGUNNIYIno@gmail.comGbenga Emmanel<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study conducted a cost and return analysis of yam farmers' resilience to climate change in Benue State, Nigeria. The analysis focused on understanding the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and how these factors influence their resilience and economic returns. The socio-economic data revealed that the<br>majority of yam farmers were male (65.18%), aged between 36 and 65 years, with a mean age of 46 years. The majority (41.30%) completed primary education and (74.09%) were primarily engaged in farming as their main occupation. A budgetary analysis of the farmers' production revealed that yam farming is profitable, with a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.13, indicating that for every ₦1 invested in yam production, farmers gained a return of ₦1.13. The study further explored resilience factors through factor analysis and structural equation modeling, identifying assets, adaptive capacity, and agricultural practices as key variables significantly impacting resilience to climate change. Assets had the strongest relationship with productivity (p=0.002), followed by agricultural practices and technology (p=0.025) and social networks (p=0.078). Among the analyzed variables, only farm size showed statistical significance at the 0.05 level (p=0.012). For farmers with high resilience, the t-value of 50.97 and p-value of 0.000 indicated a very strong and significant positive relationship with productivity outcomes. The findings highlight that increasing adaptive capacity, enhancing social networks, and improving access to technology are crucial to strengthening farmers' resilience. These results underscore the need for policy interventions aimed at improving access to affordable inputs, mechanization, and resilient yam varieties to enhance productivity and climate change adaptation among yam farmers in Benue State.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal OF MARKETERS' INVOLVEMENT IN CASSAVA VALUE ADDITION IN OYO STATE, NIGERIA: A GENDER PERSPECTIVE2025-01-25T11:05:19+00:00R. A. Ayinlaseyidolapo1704@gmail.comO. T Alaono@gmail.comS. A. Adesojino@gmail.comS. O. Olawuyino@gmail.comR. A.<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study examined the determinants of marketers' in cassava value addition in Oyo State of Nigeria. This study highlights key factors influencing cassava value addition among marketers in Oyo State, Nigeria, offering insights for inclusive growth in the sector. Data were collected from a sample of 89 marketers involved in cassava value addition across four agricultural zones using a cross-sectional design and data from interviews were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Weighted Average Index (WAI), and Factor Analysis. Findings revealed age population of marketers with a mean age of 44.5 years for marketers. Few marketers<br>(32%) were engaged in farming as their primary occupation. Majority of marketers (78%) were married, with a significant gender imbalance women dominated cassava marketing. Most marketers had secondary and higher education of (46%) and (11%) respectively</span><span class="fontstyle2">. </span><span class="fontstyle0">The study revealed marketers face severe constraints<br>especially in rural areas. Despite these challenges, cassava value addition remains a key source of income for rural households, significantly contributing to food security and employment opportunities. Overall, factor analysis reveals that, six global factors with differentiated components explained most of the variance in<br>marketers' involvement in cassava value addition. Given the results of the study, a holistic approach tailored towards addressing these through improved infrastructure, credit access, training, and market linkages could unlock cassava's full potential to boost food security, economic growth, and inclusive development.</span> </p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ijoard journal