Biofuel Production From Pyrolysis of Cocoa Pod Husk

  • Olukunle Elijah ITABIYI Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B 4000, Ogbomoso Nigeria
Keywords: Pyrolysis, Cocoa Pod Husk, Biofuels, Fixed bed reactor, Agricultural waste


This research focused on the pyrolysis of cocoa pod husk (CPH) for biofuel production. 220 g of the dried sample of CPH with a moisture content of 10.06% was introduced into the retort and coupled. The retort was then introduced into the preheated furnace and the sample was pyrolyzed at a o temperature of 3000C for 20 minutes. The condensate receiver was placed inside an ice bath containing the mixture of ice and water for quick recovery of liquid product. The process was repeated for pyrolyzing temperatures of 350, 400, 450 and 5000C. The pyrolysis products obtained were char, tar (pyro oil and pyroligneous acid) and gas. The highest conversion yields expressed as percentage weight of oven-dried CPH at their respective pyrolyzing  temperatures were 58.29 wt% char at 3000C, 10.10 wt% tar at 4500C, and  68.54 wt% at 5000C

Author Biography

Olukunle Elijah ITABIYI , Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B 4000, Ogbomoso Nigeria

Department of Mechanical Engineering
