Growth and flowering of flamingo flower [Anthurium andraenum] as influenced by ferrtilizer source and growing medium
Flamingo flower [Anthurium andraenum] is an important ornamental plant grown for cut flower and potted flowering of pink and white species of flamingo flower, pot experiment was conducted at the University of Agriculture Horticultural Nursing, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria in 2009 and 2010. Treatments consisted of two fertilizer sources [poultry manure and NPK] and three growing media [topsoil, sawdust and wood shavings] arrranges in a completely randomized design, replicated four times. Data collected on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, dry matter accumulation, days to flowering and flower size were subjected to analysis of variance. Application of poutrry manure and NPK ferrtilizer affected dry matter size of pink and white species differently. White species that received poultry manure bigger [4.7cm] flower than NPK fertilizer [3.7cm]. both species planted in topsoil produced wider area than either sawdust or wood shaving. Pink specie interactive flower was significant [p<0.05]. in addition of poultry manure to a sawdust or wood shavings is a good alternative for production of flamingo flower.